
Mobility Robotics has created two modular levels of diploma-level training courses for the use of small drones in humanitarian mine action (HMA).

We come to you – to train field personnel where they work near minefields and other hazardous areas.

Delivering training in remote locations, tailored to local needs.

Each course runs for 7-10 days, with an emphasis on students becoming competent to work in challenging environments.

These courses were first delivered in late 2019 and early 2020 for national indigenous staff to use drones in humanitarian mine action in Chad. The structure was a combination of classroom teaching and constant operational tutoring in the field.

Personalised tutoring, in the field.

Each student was tested on theory and practical skills to ensure that they had the ability to independently operate drones under stressful conditions at minefields and other hazardous areas.

Training local operators to become competent in planning of, and the execution of small drone mapping missions.

The Level 1 course was an equivalent of a UK CAA PfCo, USA Part 107, Australian RePL as a base, plus added HMA-specific material. Level 2 provided skills in flight planning by creating polygons in Google Earth and conducting automated flights, closer proximity operations, photogrammetry processing, creating GIS/Google Earth outputs, exporting imagery outputs for cartography, plus a practical first level of data analysis.

We can also additional write bespoke such as in urban clearance, use of advanced sensors, and different levels of data-analysis certificate level training.

Training is by leading HMA drone operators for operators. Course content and drills are practical, with an emphasis on data capture for the types of ground sign indicators found in the local area. There’s no obtuse aviation speak from decades-old manned aviation training – courses are written from the ground up specifically for small drone usage.

Instruction by world-leading HMA drone operators.

In Chad, diplomas were endorsed and jointly issued by Mobility Robotics, the project partner HI, and the high commission for mineaction in Chad, the HCND.

The first tailored humanitarian mine action drone diploma courses in Africa, possibly globally. Issued together with the HMA project partner, HI and national authority, the HCND.
We come to you, delivering training courses in the field.
Creating competency for local staff who had no prior experience in operating small drones.
Graduates of the HMA drone operator courses were deployed to work independently at deadly minefields.
Skills are developed so that personnel with existing HMA experience also become small drone specialists.